Sunday, April 1, 2012


I absolutely hate commercials when I'm watching TV. Whenever they come on i usually always have to change the channel because i find most of them boring. I do not mind watching previews for upcoming episodes or shows because they are entertaining and show you what is going to be on television. I also do not mind movie trailers however i think they overplay them. For example, Titanic is coming out in theatres in 3d this upcoming week, and they play the trailer every other commercial break it seems. Other commercials that play are usually very boring and not funny. If commercials played catchy songs, were funnier and just more entertaining people would most likely actually watch and pay attention to them.


  1. I completely agree. From an advertising stand point commercials are crucial for a companys revenue, but i still think they are a waste of time. They just interrupt what im watching, and i am already an impatient person. And most commercials are so repetitive.

  2. I agree! I absolutely hate watching commercials. I usually DVR everything so that I can fast forward through commercials and not have to sit through and watch them all. However, at school I do not have DVR so i am forced to watch some commercials, or channel surf instead. The inly commercials I enjoy watching are good movie previews so I can see what is coming out. Some commercials have been on for months and just make people sick of watching them. Businesses should think of quick, catchy, and unique commercials more often to keep viewers attention.
