Sunday, February 12, 2012

Super Bowl Advertisements

I was very disappointed in this years Super Bowl commercials. They were not as funny and entertaining as they have been in previous years.  Many people look forward to these commercials and have high expectations since so much money and effort goes into them. Alot of the companies concentrated on trying to make their commercial entertaining or more unique then the others and while doing this they did not advertise their product well. Many of the commercials were almost hard to tell what their actual product was that they were advertising. However with that said, some were not that bad and were entertaining.  My favorite Super Bowl commerical was the m&m one. I thought this commercial was very funny and also kept my attention. After watching it, it made me want to have a bag of m&ms. Another favorite of mine was the Dorito's commercial with the baby and grandma. In this commercial the baby and grandma are on one side while another younger kid is on the other side in a swing set. The younger kid is bragging how he has a bag of Doritos and the baby and grandma do not. The grandma ends up flinging the baby to the swing set, which he grabs the doritos and they both share the bag as the other kid looks on upset. I thought this was another funny commercial like the m&ms one. It also clearly advertised the product that they were trying to sell, which was Doritos.


  1. I agree that the superbowl commercials were lame and definitely not exciting. If it wasn't assigned for class, I probably would of just flipped to a movie in between commercials and the game. I agree the M&M was a good one, caused a chuckle..But the dorritos was boring compared to other years

  2. I did like the M&M commercial i laugh every time I see it now. I really liked the E-Trade commercial with the baby though. That baby always cracks me up every time I see it. I didn't care much for the Doritos as well I feel they are kind of Lame.

  3. I agree that in the past couple years the Super Bowl commercials have gotten away from showcasing the actual product. I know for me specifically I did watch the Super Bowl and all the commercials, but when we were ask to write down our favorite commercials in class I drew a blank on naming any commercials. Maybe these companies should stop making commercials that cost millions but people can't even remember what the product is.
