Sunday, February 19, 2012

Celebrities in Advertisements

Many companies use celebrities in their commercials to help promote their products. When people see their favorite celebrity using a certain product in an ad or commercial it makes them want that product even more. However some people might not realize that just because a celebrity is using the product in the commercial does not necessarily mean the product will actually work or be as effective as they say it will. Celebrities are only in the commercials to attract their fans to buy those certain products. Examples of this is the proactive commercials. The proactive commercial is always switching up celebrities from Katy Perry to Julianne Hough to  Jusin Beiber. Also alot of make up commercials use celebrities to promote their new products such as Beyonce, Drew Barrymore, and Queen Latifah. Just because all these celebrities are in the commercials does not mean they actually use the products or that the products are guaranteed to have the same effect on everyone else.


  1. I definitely agree that people may buy more products because celebrities are in the commercials and advertisements. It is a smart move by companies to use these celebrities but can sometimes be portrayed as false advertising because I highly doubt all of those celebrities actually use products such as proactive.

  2. I pretty much agree with this. More than likely the person in the ad has never used to product or doesn't even know how it works. They just want to get paid for doing the commercial and don't care if the company ends up making money with that product. It just ends up giving them a bigger fan base.

  3. I agree as well, its a good method to connect with the consumers. It shows that companies really try to find out what the consumers really want and by putting a notable face on their product is a great way. The consumers will begin to associate the celebrity with the product and may be more likely to make that purchase.

  4. I agree with this post because I, myself, know that if my favorite celebrity is promoting a product, I am more likely to want to run out to the store as soon as possible and purchase it. I believe this is a very strategic way for companies to promote their products.

  5. This strategy is very smart of the move of companies. Fans are very loyal to their celebrities and will buy or use a product or service if they're favorite celebrities are promoting it. When people see celebrities using a certain product they will buy it to be like them.
